Frequently asked questions about Biltema Business

Here you find all the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding Biltema Business.

  1. Payment solution for businesses, how does it work?
    <p>As a company, you can apply to be set up as an invoice customer with us. Complete and follow the instructions in the application so that the processing of your application can start. Approved business customers get the payment terms 14 days net and will receive an e-mail with their credit limit and login to their Biltema business account.</p>
  2. What invoice options are available?
    <p>You can choose to receive your invoice via PDF by email and e-invoice. You can also opt for a collective invoice, which is a single invoice containing all receipts within the period, instead of one invoice for each receipt.</p>
  3. What do I do if I want to be registered as a business customer with an EAN number?
    <p>Contact our customer service by email: <a href=""></a> or call 70 80 77 70 and they will help you get started as a business customer at Biltema.</p>
  4. What is the easiest way to get requisition information on the invoice?
    <p>If requisition information must appear on the invoice, this must be stated at checkout in the warehouse when the item is picked up.</p>
  5. Which login should I use for the Business Portal?
    <p>When you log in to Biltema Business Portal, you must use your Business-MitID, and you must use the same login each time.</p>