How to prune your plum trees

How to prune your plum trees

Plum trees, with their sweet fruits, are a popular fruit tree in many gardens around the country. There are many varieties of plum tree, and the plums can be purple, red, blue, or green depending on the variety you choose. Plum trees flower in the spring and like to be in a sunny location.

When should I prune my plum trees?

Plum trees should either be pruned in the spring or during August, depending on whether it is an older tree or a newly planted one. An older plum tree should be pruned during the JAS period (July-September), partly to prevent it from getting water sprouts, but also because the tree leaks a lot of sap if it is pruned in the spring.

On the other hand, younger, newly planted plum trees can be pruned in their second year to shape the crown.

How to prune your plum tree

As we just mentioned, plum trees should be pruned in different ways and at different times depending on whether it is an older or younger tree.

How to prune older plum trees

Older, more well-established plum trees need to be pruned during the JAS period (July-September). Always make the cut just above an outward-facing branch or eye, as the branch will continue to grow in the direction the eye is pointing. And you want to prevent branches from growing into the crown or into each other.

  1. Cut off diseased, dead, and dying branches. Keep in mind that if you cut off branches infected with, for example, fruit tree canker, you must sterilise the secateurs after each cut, so that you do not spread the infection to other branches. The easiest method of sterilisation is to dip the secateurs in methylated spirits.

  2. Along the tree’s crown, cut away branches growing in the wrong direction, i.e. the branches growing towards the crown or into the surrounding branches. You want the crown of the tree to be sparse and airy so that sunlight is let in.

How to prune younger plum trees

It is important to prune a plum tree in its first year in order to build up the crown and form a healthy tree. To give a newly planted plum tree a chance to root properly, you should wait a year before pruning. Younger plum trees can be pruned later in the spring, after the frost has disappeared.

  1. Start by shaping the crown. Cut away any branches growing inwards into the crown or into each other. Always make the cut just above an outward-facing branch or eye, as the branch will continue to grow in the direction the eye is pointing. And you want to prevent branches from growing into the crown or into each other.

  2. Also cut off branches growing upwards instead of outwards, as these are more easily broken when fruit starts to grow on them.

Plum tree pruning tools

When pruning your plum trees, always use sharp and clean secateurs. If you cut off diseased branches from your tree, it is important that you remember to sterilise the secateurs between each branch you cut off, so that the disease does not spread to other branches. Keep a small jar of methylated spirits nearby in which you can dip the secateurs to sterilise while pruning. And it’s also always a good idea to wear a pair of gardening gloves.

All pruning tools and accessories

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